Friday, December 7, 2012

Computers Today

Computers Today
Today I’m writing about computers in the 21st century and how it has affected our lives. The computer has changed in so many ways from its beginning. A computer is made up of many parts there is the monitor, tower, computer, keyboard, and mouse. Inside the computer are many different things such as the motherboard, the motherboard is a foundation inside your computer that is used as a elements, the CPU which is like the brain of the computer makes the computer work, and the RAM, the RAM stores data, but it can also read data that you have stored. There are so many people that have contributed to the computer such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Charles Babbage, and so many more. The first computer took up about 28 square feet. Computers continued to get smaller, and now 94 % of Americans have one in their home. Computers have changed the way we communicate, send letters, and work. Computers also help pay bills, and people who have their own business and work at home. Having the Internet is like having the world at our fingertips. Computer software was proposed in 1835 by a man named Alan Turning. Software is instruction that tells a computer what to do and how to do it. There are tons of software you can use today such as these, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Window, and Microsoft Excel. Software can also be used in things such as automobiles, televisions, and video games. One thing a lot of people do on their computers is communicate ways they do that is through face book, twitter, blogs, email, my space, faith book, and so many more. Computers are used for research, no longer are encyclopedias the main source of for researching projects and reports we can use the internet to get our information off of.

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