Computers Today

Computers Today
                Computers over the years have improved.  Today’s computers are very different than computers years ago. Before we had computers we had type writers.
                 A computer is a device that you can use to look up something.  The first electronic computers were invented between 1940 and 1945 in the United Kingdom and the United States.  The word computer was recorded in 1613 referring to a person who carried out calculations. The word continued with the same meaning until 20th century and it began to take on its best known meaning which is a machine that carries out calculations. The history of the modern computer began with two different technologies, automated calculations and programmability. At the end of the 10th century a French monk Gerbert  d’ Aurillac brought back drawings of machine from Spain that answered questions that you asked the machine would reply with yes or no . This machine became the computer.
                 The Computers were originally as big and would take up a whole room. Computers are cool, but sometimes not, computers can get viruses and get messed up really bad. There are different parts to a computer there is the computer, monitor, tower, mouse, and the keyboard.
                There are different brand s of computers the most popular is apple, apple also has electronics that you can get on the internet with; there is dell hp, mpc, and acer.
                Computers have improved over the years. We can now use our phones as computers we have portable computers called laptops. We can do a lot of things on our computers here are somethings,  we can change the languages, download programs, play games, shop, listen to music, and so much more.  Computers are very important, they help with navigation, and they help with satellites, they also help scientist and doctors with discovering new things.

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